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The universe as an algorithm


What if…

In an algorithm universe…

There are two types of rules, the macro-rule that runs the entire universe and micro-rules which are partial rules whose function depends on some other variables.

Additionally every second we are moving away from the original macro-rule that derives the micro-rules. Hence the laws of physics with the algorithm approach are more difficult to track. Thus, making the universe more continuous is making it complex to study.

Yeah, basically I’m saying that the universe was, perhaps, more discreet than now.


Separating the universe into small parts, we have that each part of the universe runs a sub-algorithm, depending on the size of the piece, the sub-algorithm is different, also the algorithm could change.

Here it's just a basic dependence of the micro-rule with the volume and time, but, is it that simple?


Why are we moving away from the original rule?

This is just an assumption, given the fact that we can only see a part of the universe, due to the expansion (visible range).It is a fact, we depend on the information that we measure, thus we can not study the macro.

Therefore, humans only study the micro-rules.

Continuing the idea…

If we make the pieces small enough we could talk about particles. The universe creates the particles, with its algorithm. It creates them differently for each region of the universe, it runs different sub-algorithms, even so there are some algorithms that do not depend on the region, (or time) these algorithms are what we physicists study as the laws of physics.

Different algorithms can give out the same result (like Feynman many paths) different paths can give the same thing, I named this thing, partial conservative quantity, it is partial because we are talking about micro-rules. A symmetry can carry a conservative quantity, deriving a formula as for example: the Lagrangian.

If the principle of least action applies, we realize that the universe may always take the least complicated algorithm and the one that saves the most computation and energy.


The continuous universe arises because the computational patterns, micro-algorithms are becoming more complex, giving a sense of smoothness” in the changes when updates. That “smoothness” , in the human perspective, is the continuity.

Also if the universe is cyclic, does it have a period ?

That would give us the clue, why it is repetitive in many macroscopic and microscopic aspects.

In addition, whether the wolfram theory (2) is right, and the universe has a rule which creates all the things with relations of edges whose updates form the space, the entropy and the end of the universe are simpler as well.

Measuring a rule that makes patterns of graphs, we notice that at the beginning it could have simple patterns, then it could have more sophisticated patterns. That 's not new. But it could have simple patterns again.

It oscillates from simple patterns to sophisticated patterns. I relate that oscillation with the end of the universe by entropy(the end of the universe that all parts of the universe will have the same temperature and there will be no work or thermal transformation in it, so everything will be the same).

Therefore, when a universe with a macro-rule updates, then the patterns of it gets complicated with time. It could become simple again and all the things be the same everywhere. Maximum entropy. But it is not the end, it is just another cycle. In this period the universe rearranges its macro-rule . So when the Big bang returns, another universe is created. The transition should preserve something measurable though.

Perhaps an idea.

We have to look for the dependency of the updates with things on a large scale as well as the dependency in the behavior of the particles in the quantum world (the quantum world is different because the particles notice more the discreteness of the universe because of its size and we have inconsistencies with the perspective of the universe).

With our deterministic vision we could notice that in the past the universe was more discrete. Then it was more like the quantum world. The indeterminacy of the movement of things would be more noticeable and the wave function would have governed even more before. Thus, maybe with the cosmic background we should notice some differences in the past.


The universe with every update (algorithm universe) becomes more continuous.

The universe could be cyclic.

Simple patterns are as important as complex patterns.

Since space cannot reach time, all things are formed.” Enrique Casanova.

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