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A random thought?

Actualizado: 28 oct 2021

Maybe the indetermination of the quantum reality which it can be determined when we measured something, it is just the human brain trying to organize things.

But the information of a brain that creates a machine are alike, in such a way the machine processes information that every human is able to understand. Thus, doing an experiment like the double slit experiment and measure it with a selected macchine and a chronometer, we can be out the experiment and even that the pattern will be organized.

The problem is that the measuring machine is already in the system, therefore it is intertwined with the experiment, when a linear or sequential measurement of an event is made in real time the same machine is changing the system, simply because we made the machine with particles that are indeterminate but collectively determined. For this reason that determined set affects the indeterminate set. And before turning on the measuring machine, it can be said that if and we let the electrons pass through the grids with an indeterminate pattern this time (why the machine is not measuring), the machine is now in an indeterminate state, that is, its particles since they are not being measured.


We could also say that the electrons that pass are measuring as well since the one observed and the one that observes depends on the reference frame that was taken. The machine measures electrons and the electrons that pass through measure the machine. This creates a consistent pattern. Electrons basically copy or interact with the change. In the machine that measures when it is activated a circuit is activated that is organized to carry out an action, the electrons are organized, but before that we cannot know what state they are in unless we measure that machine.

Another thing if A and B are measured and determined, this is independent of a third measured C. When C does not measure A (A will be indeterminate) it will not measure B since they are in the same system and vice versa. Otherwise it may be that observer C sees A and B determined if he measures them or undetermined if not.



In conclusion the patterns stick.
If there are a handful of electrons following patterns they create something determined in the macro-world.
As in the experiment the electrons are indeterminate without a pattern each one, it is obvious to think that the group of electrons determined as they are many more are going to synchronize those who are like crazy out there.
That is, the largest group that is synchronized synchronizes the smallest groups of electrons and transforming into a single macro state.

This may have to do with entropy as the entire universe tends to have only one state.

This could indicate that the indeterminate world is getting smaller and the determined one getting bigger.

In the end everything will be a macro-state, this reminds us at the beginning of everything where there was only one state of matter.

If the states can be interpreted as interconnected graphs and if all things were in the same place, it means that we all follow random lines that converge in the past. So it may be that when the universe has a single state, all those interconnected states will form a perfect sphere (interpretation drawn on the laptop).
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