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If the wolfram theory is right and the universe has a rule which create all the things only with relations of hyperedges that create the space, then the entropy and the end of the universe itself is simpler as well. The time is just actualizations of the rule and I think it is infinite. It is not a dimension. When we see a rule that make patterns of graphs, hypergraphs or cellular automaton, we notice that at the beginning it could have simple patterns, then it could have more sophisticated patterns. That's not new. But it could have simple patterns again. It oscillates from simple patterns to sophisticated patterns. I relate that oscillation with the end of the universe by entropy(the end of universe that all parts of the universe will have the same temperature and there will be no work or thermal transformation in it, so everything will be the same). We are a creation of a simple rule that becomes sophisticated, only with itself, it's just like mixing itself with itself makes all things. Nevertheless when the patterns are simple and do the same always in everywhere, the rule couldn't elaborate the universe, it will not be able to do such a thing. Therefore my hypothesis is that when a universe with a rule it's created then the rule (a simple rule) with infinite time and infinite probabilities makes that universe because it gets complicated(the patterns that make all the things). But it could again with enough time becomes simple and all the things be the same everywhere. An entropy dead with maximum entropy. But it is not the end. It is just another cycle. However, with enough time the rule will make things, perhaps less complicated or more complicated, but it will create another universe.

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