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One of my favorite poems...

The problem with creating a mask is that it becomes real if you have it for a long time. And not to mention that you make masks for other masks. To later meditate and realize that you are none.

That even the face is nothing if not its whole and that the masks are the pieces of your soul.

What if the mask is simply a concept of classification to fit?

That is a thought but.

I use the masks specifically to fit me.

To feel good about myself.

To enjoy my people myself.

I create my own world of happiness and tragedy.

May I be kind enough to create myself.

And that makes me my own god.

Just as anyone who imagines his true face sees nothing. That is my own nightmare.

I can not see myself. I think I've never really seen myself.

Living like this is an absurd and stupid dilemma. I who searched for the meaning of the universe, cannot search for my meaning.

But I know my purpose, which is to seek the truth.

And I am, in the end, a handful of energy accumulated in space-time. A simple temporary knot. A paradox and an unlikely event.

That in the end he knows that just as he approaches the search for his being, he approaches the search for the whole.

As I measure the whole, the whole measures me and the two of us created and exist together. Because he is me and I am him.

Sometimes I hate him and sometimes he loves me.

manga: Vagabond.

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