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A program that given a paragraph return the number of letters (even individually), words and phrases

#include <iostream>

#include <cctype>

#include <cstring>

//Program to analyze paragraphs (It does not count the numbers) in order to work correctly you have to after a dot, comma, or semicolon, type space.

using namespace std;

int main(){

char array[1000];

int i = 0;

int num_p = 0;

cout<< "Enter a paragraph: ";


int s = 0;

int ch = 97;

int pal1 = 0;

int pal2 = 0;

int ora = 0;

//Programa letras

for(ch = 97;ch < 123; ch ++){// contador para minusculas ( int a = 97 ... int z = 123)

for(i = 0; i < strlen(array); i ++){

if (int (array[i]) == ch){

s = s + 1;



pal1 = s + pal1;

cout<<"Hay " << s << " "<< char(ch) << "s" << " \n";

s = 0;


cout<< "\n ";

s = 0;

for(ch = 65;ch < 91; ch ++){ // contador para mayusculas ( int A = 65 ... int Z = 91)

for(i = 0; i < strlen(array); i ++){

if (int (array[i]) == ch){

s = s + 1;



pal2 = s + pal2;

cout<<"There are / is " << s << " "<< char(ch)<< "s" << " \n";

s = 0;


//Programa palabras

for(i=0; i < strlen(array) ;i ++){ //Cuenta los espacios

if (array[i] == ' '){

num_p = 1 + num_p;



//Programa oraciones

for(i = 0; i < strlen(array); i ++ ){

if (array[i+1] == ' '){ // esto analiza si hay un espacio despues de la coma(punto etc..)

if (int(array[i]) == 44){ // esto es para indentificar si son , o . o ; que separan oraciones

ora = ora + 1;


else if (int(array[i]) == 46 ){

ora = ora + 1;


else if (int(array[i]) == 59 ){

ora = ora + 1;




cout << "# Letters: \n "<< pal1 + pal2 << "\n";

cout<< "# Words: " << num_p << "\n ";

cout << "# phrases: \n "<< ora << "\n";

return 0;


Again spanish ;).

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